A four-day course with Dr Betty Martin – Click here to Register!

Where & when: There are two courses in Devon this year! Choose between 23-26 June in Dawlish & 6-9 September in Teignmouth.
Times: 10am-6pm each day
Price: £540

Do you get paid to put your hands on people? Want to make your sessions safe, effective and satisfying? Then you need this course.

You’ve taken the courses — tantra, massage, sexuality education, sexological bodywork — and you’ve got the skills. But what is it, exactly, that makes you a professional? (Hint: it’s not the money.)

You can learn great massage or tantric skills in many places, but what is it that makes your work, well, professional? If you are doing hands-on work, you need to have your own personal clarity, accurate protocols for assessment, and skills to teach consent and empowerment to your clients/students. You need to know the difference between giving and receiving, and to know – exactly – how to make sure you never overstep what your client is ready for.

That’s what separates the dilettantes from the pros. And that is where this course comes in.

This class is unique.

There are many wonderful places to learn bodywork and tantra skills, but there are two critical pieces that make your work as a professional… well, professional.

  • Assessment – finding out what your client is ready for and – more importantly – what they are not. This must be done with guided body experience, not just with conversation.
  • Empowerment and informed consent – teaching your client how to become exquisitely aware of their own desires and limits and how to communicate them. Reminding them it’s OK to say ‘No’ is not enough.

This class is for touch professionals who take their work seriously. It’s for anyone doing hands-on work – therapeutically-based or pleasure-based, or both: therapeutic massage, pleasure-based massage, Sexological Bodywork, Tantra, courtesan experiences, teaching sex technique, Sacred Intimates, courtesans, escorts, dommes, massage artists, sexual healers, dakas and dakinis, tantrikas, and sex coaches.

Others who have found the class helpful include talk therapists, sexuality and relationship coaches and experienced non-professionals who wish to deepen and clarify their own erotic path.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • The single most important skill a practitioner can have and how to develop it (it’s NOT another technique!)
  • What ‘giving’ and ‘receiving’ REALLY are and why knowing the difference is crucial for getting profound results for your clients and students.
  • What you are responsible for in your sessions and what you are not — so you can serve your clients far beyond what they expect without tying yourself in knots
  • Assessment – what you need to notice BEFORE you even start, making less work for you and more powerful results for them
  • How to create a strong container for your clients that has enough safety for them to get into the REAL work they are coming to you for
  • When to bring your own pleasure into session (and when not to!) — making it more fun for everyone
  • What’s actually going on in healing work and how to help your clients access parts of themselves that have been hidden away
  • How to bring both clarity and heart into your hands so that all your touch is rich, juicy and satisfying.

Here’s how it’s structured:

Four full days, including two days practical work.

We meet as professionals for each day of the course. We spend the first day on YOU – finding where you are clear (or not) in receiving and giving, and give you the framework of the Quadrants that everything else is built on. This is often the big ‘Aha’ day.

Then you learn assessment protocols so you find out what is useful for your client – and what is not (and when to set aside your groovy techniques in light of that). We show you how to use this in varied situations and then each participant has time to ask, brainstorm and clarify how this fits into their own particular form of work. Forms of work vary, and therefore so does the application.

This will be interwoven with hands-on practice to enable the teachings to be experienced and embodied.

Location: Teignmouth, United Kingdom