Dr. Agnes Jacquerye : Sex coach certified since 2015
Counselor, Clinical Sexologist, Sex Coach, Sex Coach Trainer, Sex Educator
Biography, Degrees and Certifications:
Agnès Jacquerye, PhD works in the hospital setting in the field of quality and patient safety. Furthermore, she is a professor at the School of Public Health giving lectures in quality and patient safety. In parallel, she obtained the University Certificate in Clinical Sexology (Catholic University of Louvain, UCL- 2006-2007). She improves herself following other trainings in sexology. From 2011, she started her new profession of clinical sexologist. She now works part-time as a clinical sexologist in Brussels. In November 2015, she obtained the certification of clinical sexologist training in Sexocorporel at the Institut Sexocorporel International. This training is also recognized by the Association of French Speaking Clinical Sexologists (ASCliF). In November 2015, she qualified as a Sex Coach of the SexCoach U, Patti Britton, PhD (Los Angeles).
Professional Philosophy:
To reveal clients to themselves, to elicit greatness, to communicate cleanly, to respect client’s humanity, PLISSIT and MEBES models
Range of Services/Programs Offered:
Sessions and trainings in sexual health
Areas of Specialization:
Couples’ concerns: little or no sex in relationship, conflicts about desire/uneven desire, communication style conflicts, desire for enhanced pleasure
Womens’ concerns: low or no sexual desire, preorgamsic primary and secondary, dyspareunia, vaginismus
Mens’ concerns: low or no sexual desire, early ejaculationsocial/dating skills deficit
Primary Audiences Served:
1st conference at the centre culturel d’uccle November 2011
Skype Name: eurythmie1